Thursday, August 13, 2009

Etsy Picks from Jennifer Romolini

Jennifer Romolini is Lucky's resident eBay blogger, and has added the wonderful world of Etsy to her site. Here are some of her Etsy picks that I thought were great as well!

These dreamy dresses are found on Etsy by Sarah Seven. The fabric manipulation and soft lines create a very romantic feel for these dresses. So beautiful.
These little goodies are by Skinny Laminx, based on South Africa and is a great source for colorful screenprinted kitchen towels, pillows, and linen. The fun little guy on the bottom left is called a ScrapEep, made from the scraps of the printed fabric, and can be used as a baby toy or a pin cushion. Very creative!

This playful jewelry is by Make Pie Not War. I love the vintage feel and lightheartedness of each of these pieces. I love the personal touch of the text in some of her jewelry. The material makes the text represent itself more significantly and powerfully. It's a nice touch.


  1. wow, these pictures are BEAUTIFUL and so Anthropologie-esque!

    I love the jewelry from Make Pie Not War, just lovely :)



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